کمیتۀ راهبری پروژه
defniton) FAO Food and Agriculture Organisaton FDI Foreign Direct Investment GOI Government of Iran IFAD Internatonal Fund for Agricultural Development IT Informaton Technology LMIA Labour Market Informaton Analysis LMIS Labour Market Informaton Analysis System MAJ Ministry of Agricultural Jihad M&E Monitoring and Evaluaton MCLS Ministry of Cooperatves Labour and Social Welfare MSMEs Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises MTR Mid-Term Review NFTD Natonal Foundaton for Technology Development NGO Non-Governmental Organisaton OEF Omid Entrepreneurship Fund PMT Project Management Team PMU Project Management Unit PSC Project Steering Commitee SNFP Senior Natonal Focal Point TDMO Tourism Destnaton Management Ofce TOT Training of Trainers TVTO Technical and Vocatonal Training Organizaton UN United Natons UNIDO United Natons Industrial Development Orangisaton
A Project Steering Commitee (PSC) chaired by the MCLS monitors project work plans and progress
planned to meet every six months, the PSC has met twice since the Project's launch.
The PSC includes
line with the MTR's interview fndings, PSC meetngs too would beneft from improved translaton/interpretaton services.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران